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Her finner du en oversikt over de mest kjente sårforeningene i verden.  Det er verd å utforske noen av nettsidene. Her kan en av og til finne nyttige retningslinjer eller andre tips. En og knytte kontakter om en vil hospitere i utlandet. Hvis du kjenner til en annen nyttig sårforening, tips oss gjerne og vi legger det til her!

Norsk Interessefaggruppe for Sårheling (NIFS)

World Union of Wound Healing Societies

Dansk Selskab for Sårheling

Diabetic Foot Study Group



National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP)

International Compression Club

International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP)

International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF)

European Tissue Repair Society

Norsk Karkirurgisk Forening (NKKF)


Tissue Viability Society

Norsk forening for dermatologi og venerologi

The Lymphoedema support network

European Burns Association (EBA)

Wounds Australia

New Zealand Wound Care Society

Wound Management Association of Ireland


Norsk Sykepleieforbund


Norsk endokrinologisk forening

Norsk Ortopediteknisk Forening


Ortopeditekniske Virksomheters Landsforening (OVL)

Cardiff Univerisity-Wound Healing Research Unit (WHRU)/WWIC

European Association for the study of Diabetes

Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society

American Board of Wound Management

Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society

Associations for the Advancement of Wound Care

Leg Ulcer Forum

Lindsay Legclub Foundation

Global Scar Society (G-ScarS)

Svensk Sjuksköterskeförenings Webbplats


Mid-America Wound Healing Society

Wound Healing Society

Wound Healing Foundation

Wound healing Asssociation of Southern Africa

American Professional Wound Care Association (APWA)

Swiss Asssociation for Woundcare (SAFW)

Chinese Tissue repair Society (CTRS)

Austrian Wouncare Association (AWA)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wundheilung und Wundbehandling e.V.

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